MicrOrganics - Green Nutritionals - The World's Best Superfoods

We are committed to researching and sourcing the very best Green Superfoods from the best growers around the world to bring you the finest quality most potent Whole-foods and Superfoods...

MicrOrganics has distributed Hawaiian Pacifica Spirulina in Australia and internationally since 1995 and welcomes all questions and comments you may have regarding The World's Best Spirulina.

We continue to research and source the best available natural
Green Superfoods from around the world and add the very best of these to our 'Green Nutritionals' range.

Our beautiful range now includes -
Hawaiian Pacifica Spirulina - The World's Best Spirulina
Yaeyama Pacifica Chlorella - The World's Best Chlorella
Green Calcium - Nature's Perfect Calcium,
and Green Superfoods with marine plant minerals
